Poor sleep quality - Vital Hormone Clinic

What is Poor Sleep Quality?

Poor sleep quality refers to sleep that is insufficient or disrupted in some way. Key aspects of poor sleep quality include:

Difficulty falling asleep: Tossing and turning for more than 30 minutes before falling asleep.

Frequent awakenings: Waking up several times throughout the night and having trouble falling back asleep.

Non-restorative sleep: Waking up feeling unrefreshed even after getting enough total hours of sleep.

Daytime fatigue: Feeling excessively tired, irritable, or having difficulty concentrating during the day due to poor nighttime sleep.

Poor sleep quality can have major effects on health and wellbeing. People with chronic poor sleep are at higher risk for issues like:

There are many potential causes of poor sleep quality, including:

Improving sleep hygiene by sticking to a regular sleep-wake schedule, limiting blue light exposure at night, avoiding alcohol before bedtime, and optimizing the sleep environment can help many people achieve higher quality sleep. However, for some people with chronic poor sleep or an underlying sleep disorder, medical treatment may be necessary.

I tried to cover the key aspects of poor sleep quality and its health impacts in an informative way, without any advertising or promotion. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!

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